On October 20th, my dearest friend and her husband welcomed their new baby girl into the world! For a long time, they were worried that Miss Kathryn Bell would make her entrance before it was time. There was a lot of time spent at the hospital, many hours of bed rest and taking it easy. Then, when they were actually ready for Katy to come, she needed some convincing. Induction was needed. After many hours of trying to persuade Katy that she was ready for the world, she finally arrived. From the beginning, Katy’s destiny was unknown. There was some concerning news on and off that kept her parents on their toes, and I know that her safe arrival was nothing less than glorious to them. There were many prayers said for them, especially from my house.
I’m so happy that Katy is finally here and she is amazingly healthy! The youngest of five, I know that there will be hectic times, but she will always be loved. To my friend, you are an incredible mother, and I wish you all the best! (*tear)